
Hungry Minds is a podcast I host about the power of curiosity, questions, and dwelling in possibility. You can find some of my favorite episodes below.

Yes, and…

Aran explores improv fundaments with actor and transformational coach, Josh Lenn. Josh brings what he's learned as an actor and improviser into organizational settings to improve team communication, collaboration, and culture. Some of the topics discussed include: Yes, and..., failing gloriously, the power of open listening, and make your partner look good.


The Art of Living

How should one live? What is the meaning and purpose of my life? If you've ever asked these questions then you'll enjoy this thought provoking conversation with Claudia Bicen, a visual artist and designer whose work explores the nature of mind and the construction of meaning.

How To Philosophize With A Hammer

How does one philosophize with a hammer? This conversation with philosophy and world religions professor, Philip Novak, explores the critical philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche.


Irony Poisoning

Aran talks with Sasha Nagler, one of his former millennial students, about the phenomena of irony poisoning pervading her generation. Irony poisoning develops when heavy social media users become too ensconced in the ironic detachment that defines much of online discourse. This can come to influence one's offline worldview as well. In extreme cases, ironic jokes can morph into sincerely held beliefs. Aran and Sasha talk about examples of irony poisoning, what factors lead to this kind of unhealthy ironic detachment, and what can be done to stem this tide of meaninglessness.

Silverback Gorilla

Aran Levasseur talks with Conrad Levasseur about getting charged by a Silverback Gorilla, staring a deadly Mamba in the face, climbing an active volcano, and other travel stories. Conrad has conducted travel groups through over a hundred and twenty countries and worked as a wild river rafting guide in the western states. He created a 49 mile scenic walk for the San Francisco Ecology Center and directed Lodestar International Student Center for the University of California's "International House." He was a World Travel Destinations Consultant for decades. Conrad is also a poet and has published seven books of poetry. Currently he is the Director of Community Relations and Development at Ironstone Vineyards.


The Future of Learning

The future of learning will be highly personalized. This is one of the aims of the Khan Lab School. In this episode Aran talks with Rachel Skiffer, the Head of School of the Khan Lab School, about personalized learning, the power of projects, and why curiosity and passion are so vital in the quest to learn.

The Soul of Money

Aran Levasseur talks with Lynne Twist about true prosperity, the soul of money, empowering indigenous people of Amazon, and Lynne shares the prophecy of the eagle and the condor.


The Pushback

This episode is with filmmaker Kevin Ford about his documentary The Pushback. It chronicles a diverse group of progressive voices across Texas as they fight decades of institutional racism and policies of discrimination along the border. The battle over immigrant rights, land seizures to build the border wall, and the troubled racial history of the state form the backdrop to a film that explores how a place once known for its reactionary politics is becoming more liberal, more diverse — and more at risk for violent conflict.

Market Games

Aran talks with Torsor Kotee, Lecturer at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business and Founder and CEO of Market Games, about the power of simulations and games for engaging and accelerating learning.


Being Wise at Work

What does it mean to be wise at work? In this conversation Aran talk with Iris Krause, Chief Finance and Operations Officer at Wisdom Labs, an organization that delivers science-based wellbeing solutions that drive productivity, thoughtful leadership, and meaningful success in the workplace.

When Word Becomes Image

In this episode I talk with Amos Klausner about his letterpress art work, the value of deconstructing language, the nature of truth, and when word become image.



Why is China such a fascinating and important country to learn about? Crystal Chang Cohen, lecturer in the Global Studies Program at UC Berkeley, provides a nuanced and captivating response to this question and more in this episode.